A Little About Me...



I'm Amber Bardini (she/her) and I am a Certified Full Spectrum Doula & Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant, specializing in infant & toddler sleep. I'm a wife & mom of three little ones who are my entire world. I love music, fitness, dancing, cooking & baking and am a big fan of all things Disney. 


I am a firm believer in the saying, "It takes a village," however, I have come to realize that for many of us our village is seriously lacking or non-existent. Once baby is born, many people find that their needs are not considered anymore (or not a priority). Becoming a mom really opened my eyes up to the lack of support parents have. Without that much needed support, the transition into parenthood can be incredibly stressful and even a little scary.


My goal is to help new parents so that they have the resources they need to thrive and to help prevent those same feelings of helplessness that I had as a new mom. I also love being able to provide sleep support to parents who are struggling and need help getting their little ones to sleep independently. I am extremely passionate about being able to provide the much-needed support new parents deserve to have. You are not alone in this, and you are NOT a bad parent for asking for help.


I am passionate about the right to bodily autonomy and the rights of people with uteruses, regardless of race, sexual preference, gender identity, or BMI. I fight for advocacy, support you in your choices, and provide space for you.


EVERYONE deserves a doula.

In-person doula services in Sacramento, Placer & Yolo Counties

Virtual Parent Coaching & Sleep Services available nationwide

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"The flower that blooms in adversity is the rarest and most beautiful of all."